coach | consult | catalyze

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

- Maya Angelou

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Wendy Hall is certified in the U.S. and the U.K. to stage fight with a sword.

Her formal actor’s training provides a frame of reference she uses daily. It allows her to recognize what is play acting in the workforce: the unnecessary drama, the inauthentic behavior, the in-fighting, and the bad actors. As a former Silicon Valley executive, Wendy Hall brings an extraordinary breadth of experience to her work, including over a decade of theater training. If her work has a singular thread, however, it is the ability to recognize how individuals, teams, and organizations generate their own internal conflicts and how they can resolve these.

Wendy Hall helps clients end those internally-staged wars with their surroundings, their work, their colleagues, and themselves.

After earning an MBA from the University of Southern California, Hall built a successful career in human capital management and operations for major technology companies in California. There, she built processes, departments, and leadership teams. She has analyzed root causes, re-written play books, turned around businesses, and improved bottom lines. She now puts her insider’s knowledge to work, analyzing personalities, cultural influences and power structures with the goal of creating breakthrough opportunities for her clients.

Hall’s robust and varied career has been a series of transformations. Her experience as a lead actor taught her the power of optimism in that a disparate group can come together and deliver a great performance. Her role as a senior operations executive exemplified how to harness the hearts, minds and spirits of her team to solve complex issues and produce breakthroughs in employee engagement and results. As a yoga teacher she learned how to lead the body/mind toward pristine awareness and more thoughtful connection with the world. With her business savvy, Hall launched and sold a successful yoga studio. These real-world experiences informs her coaching, consulting and catalyzing practice.

Hall is certified as an Integral Master Coach and is an affiliate of change leadership experts, Being First, Inc. She holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from the University of Southern California.  She is a passionate gardener, valued friend, and strong advocate for equality in our world.